It’s not easy being green

Greetings if you are visiting from The Twisted Yarn‘s utterly bonkers Escher post. It’s caused a lovely flurry of visitors to my little corner of the world, so hello!

This is CBeebies Peter Rabbit. It has the most amusingly epic theme tune for a kids TV show, but don’t worry, I won’t sing it to you. I’ve watched it for quite a while with my boys, but it wasn’t until Pumpkin was invited to a friend’s birthday party with a Peter Rabbit theme, that I really noticed little Benjamin Bunny’s lovely green hat.

peter-rabbit-nickelodeon-tv-showBenjamin Bunny

Benjamin Bunny – he has a pretty cute little brown leather jacket too.

I’ve never knitted a hat before, but as usual I thought ‘how hard can it be?’. I couldn’t find anything that was specifically a Benjamin Bunny pattern, so I opted for the most basic hat pattern I could find and went from there. Finding a suitable yarn was my first big challenge. I wanted something chunky so that it would work up quickly, but there was a definite lack of any nice greens available in any of my local(ish) yarn shops. I opted for a bluey green in King Cole’s big value chunky in Seaspray.

I started knitting before Christmas and then got distracted by other projects, so of course by the time I came back to it, I’d forgotten that I was working from an adult hat pattern and needed to leave out a couple of increase rows. I knitted on, but have now ended up with a hat that is too big for Pumpkin, but doesn’t suit Mr Jack as a plain beanie (strangely, he’s not keen on wearing a Benjamin Bunny hat with a big red pompom on top).


It’s a hat, but not the hat I wanted.

So I’ve taken pictures and will chalk it up to a ‘learning experience’ and part of the ‘design’ process. Yes. And now it’s time to riiiiiiiip-it riiiiiippppp-it.


Off we go – just look at those ribbing stitches celebrating their freedom!


That’s a big pile of yarn!


Ahhhhhh… and a neatly wound ball, ready to begin again.

It’s frustrating, but also strangley satisfying to rip out so much. Hopefully I’ll have learnt from my mistakes and the second attempt will work beautifully. Do you think there’s any market for writing up a Benjamin Bunny hat pattern?

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